
FrogBlog is authored (‘For the most part,” he says) by Jakk Hence.  Jakk is the Executive Frog, and the World’s First Frogul.

“A Frogul is a frog who becomes a mogul,” says Porky Muldoon, Jakk’s executive assistant.  “A mogul is a great personage.  That’s Jakk, alright.”

Jakk leads a very exciting life, especially for a frog

…he was detained in South Korea due to a bad passport photo (“They mistook me for the Vice President,” he writes).

…he was nearly electrocuted when a bad cable technician tried to wire Frog Holler.  “The night lit up like a dragonfly hit a cheap bug-zapper.”

Jakk tells the inside story of “all things frog,”

…like how they nearly converted Easter Sunday to Saturdays, and replaced the Easter Bunny.   “We shouldn’t have demanded double time for Sundays,” he writes.  “The union steward got a little greedy, which, usually, I support.”

He trusts few, detests French chefs, and has an uneasy “moose truce”. He also believes that frogs with names that start with “K” have set frogdom back for “at least a century”.

“I try to strike a balance between loath-worthy and lovable,” Jakk says.  “Read my Blog.  Pretty Please?  I doubt you have much better to do!”